Kids Bedroom Trends Your Little One Will Love
Helpful Information / Interior Design Inspiration
In this article we explore tips and tricks to create a timeless bedroom for your little ones.
How to Style Your Dream Living Room
Helpful Information / Interior Design Inspiration
Deb has curated the perfect guide of how to style your dream living room by bringing together texture and warmth with her selections.
Expert Builder | The 4 Big Advantages of Acreage Homes
Helpful Information / Home Designs / Display Homes
With more and more Sydneysiders deciding to make a tree-change, the demand for spacious acreage properties on the rise. Thinking an acreage home may be the right fit for you? Join us as we explore the 4 big advantages.
Single or Double Storey?
Helpful Information / Home Designs
Selecting a home layout and design can be a daunting task when you get down to it. The sheer number of layouts, styles, and aesthetics can be overwhelming unless you have a clear idea of what kind of floor plan will suit you and your family in the present and far into the future. We'll help you navigate which home design will suit your needs.
Tips on selecting colours for your new home
Interior Design Inspiration
The colour selection stage is easily the most exciting part of building a new home. It’s the fun part and often the one that does take the most time. Throughout this blog, we have curated a list of helpful tips, general information, and inspiration to get you ready for your Colour Selection appointment.
Choosing the right floor plan for your family, now and in the future
Helpful Information / Home Designs
Where in the world could rival the Hunter Valley as a place to raise a young family?
If your family is planning to make the move, and you have or will have children, see what Hunter Homes recommends you should look out for in a new home.
Purchased unregistered land? Why choosing your builder now has great advantages
Helpful Information
When you buy unregistered land, you are essentially buying a “lot” within an unregistered plan of subdivision. The purchase of unregistered land occurs when a Developer or Owner subdivides typically a much larger lot of registered land. To do this they create an unregistered plan of subdivision which must be approved by the Local Council and any governing authorities. When you purchase unregistered land, you cannot settle on your “lot” until the subdivision (or stage within) has been registered.
Designing a home that will stand the test of time
Home Designs
Hunter Homes are designed to be timeless, modern and last for decades to come. So, to find a home that stays classy and contemporary over time, we have curated a simple list to make it easier for you.